and eat!

Tag Archives: oatmeal

I haven’t written anything lately mostly because I haven’t had much to say.  I survived my 4 TRX classes.  They were good and I really liked the instructor.  I can see how doing it regularly would help with strength and tone, but then again, it doesn’t seem like it would be that hard to do similar exercises with weights or body weight in the gym.  I still would need to actually GO TO THE GYM (see previous post on gym aversion)!

So…  it’s finally race season.  I watched a sprint triathlon on Mother’s Day – poor racers.  The water was maybe 59 and it was cold and rainy out.  So glad I didn’t sign up for that one!  My first event is coming up on June 8th – Escape the Cape:

SWIM:  That’s all I have to do.  Hurray for relays!  1/3 of a mile.  Easy.  Cold.  I did the whole tri last year (water was 64.  Yikes!), but opted to be part of a relay this year.  My goal is to beat my time, but I’m not swimming quite as well this year so we’ll see.  Swim time to beat:  7:24.  Last year it was a small women’s only tri, but this year it’s co-ed.  I just hope the relays don’t get put in the same wave as the Clydesdales – it hurts when they swim over you.

swim exit

Exit the water at a run!
2011 Title 9 tri

On one of my swims last week, I was lucky enough to have a kayak escort.  I say “lucky” because it was foggy and I couldn’t see beyond the first buoy.  But my kayaker could.  Pretty cool! He just positioned himself so I wouldn’t go off course. The kayaker is planning to escort a swimmer for the Manhattan Marathon Swim in a couple weeks.  Now that’s a serious swim.

BIKE:  I ended up going to a spin class last week, but for the most part I’ve been riding outside.  It’s so nice to be on the road again!  I did 41 miles with a friend on Memorial Day and hope to get out a couple more times this week.

READ:  Being Henry David, a young adult book, but suitable for adults.  It’s set in Concord, MA and some of the action takes place at Walden Pond, where I swim, so I couldn’t resist. I also read two books by Gillian Flynn:  Gone Girl and Sharp Objects.  Dark and twisted.  Creepy good.

and… EAT!  A while back I wrote about what I was eating for breakfast.  I was on an  oatmeal kick for a bit – it was good – but I needed a change.  Hello, Smoothie!  But what to put in the smoothie?  EVERYTHING (see below)!  I consulted No Meat Athlete’s perfect smoothie recipe, and then went wild.  I’m not vegan so I’m using BiPro protein powder – it’s whey protein isolate.  It dissolves really well, no weird grittiness or taste.  If at some point I decide I don’t want to eat whey, I’d probably use Hemp protein.  Tons of options when it comes to smoothies.

Smoothie ingredients

Ingredients may varyfinished product

green goodness!

To paraphrase my husband, everybody starts out their blogging adventure with all these great ideas about what to write, and then they end up saying what they had for breakfast.

Well I say, “why wait?” – I’m going to tell you about my new favorite breakfast NOW!  Well, not so new:  a friend of mine turned me onto this delicious, nutritious (?) Overnight, No-Cook, Refrigerator Oatmeal a couple months ago and I’ve been hooked every since.  Although I’m not vegan, I’m not that crazy about milk, so I veganize the recipe by substituting soy yogurt for the greek yogurt , and I use soymilk instead of regular milk.  AND since I recently made cranberry-applesauce, I’m using that in place of the jam for now.  I don’t add fruit – it’s a mouthfeel thing, I think – but I’m sure that would be tasty.  The basic recipe is extremely adaptable; I pretty much follow the Raspberry Vanilla one with some variations.   Play w/the add-ins!  Enjoy.

Swim:  I made it through 3500 yds of masters practice last night.  Got out a little early.  I’m hoping my shoulder can tolerate shorter workouts more often, better than longer practices less often.

Bike:  Wimp that I am, it’s getting too cold for me to ride outdoors, so I’m planning to go to at least a couple spin classes every week.  If that fails, I guess I could get on my trainer…

Read:  Singing Boy, by Dennis McFarland

Run:  I actually ran yesterday!  I might even do it again someday.

Happy Thanksgiving!