and eat!

Tag Archives: Let Them Eat Vegan

SWIM:  After my February-March slump, I think I’m back.  Even during my down time I was still getting to the pool at least 3 times/wk, but I just didn’t love it.  Now, even though it’s still hard to actually hurl myself into the water from the dry, relatively warm, deck, at least I’m feeling more motivated and as though I’m swimming better once I do take the plunge.  I’m even trying to do some sprints!  Left to my own devices, I tend to swim at a constant effort for 2000 yards or so, but I know that’s not helping my racing any.  Here’s a sample set from today, in case anyone is interested:  6×150 yds, broken up as 100 sprint, followed immediately by 50 recovery swim.  Try to descend the 100s or at least hold them steady.  Pick an interval that gives 15-20 sec. rest after the 150.  Personal preference: I pick an interval, rather than a rest amount.  It keeps me honest!   And it’s easier for me to calculate time.

Another couple weeks or so and I’ll be swimming outside!  Albeit totally covered in neoprene.

BIKE:  Finally riding outside!  I can’t believe how great it feels.  I really don’t want to head back inside to spin classes, but

tiny blue bike!

43cm Trek 1500 WSD

since it’s still early Spring, and often chilly when I have the opportunity to ride, I’m resigned to doing a few more classes.  I think spinning over the winter might have actually helped with my horrendous hill climbing.  I’m still not about to set any speed records, mind you, but at least I feel a little stronger.  I’m supposed to ride with friends this weekend, but since it’s supposed to be in the low 40s, we’ll see.  It’s hard to ride when bundled up like the Michelin tire guy!

READ:  Hmm, I tried to read IBM and the Holocaust, by Edwin Black, but it was difficult – emotionally – and, unfortunately, somewhat boring and repetitive.  Now I’m devouring Esmeralda Santiago’s Conquistadora.  I saw her speak at Radcliffe recently.  She was there for Harvard’s Diversity Dialogues series. LOVE HER!  She’s so full of energy, and such a great story teller.

and… EAT!  I made Peanut Thai Vegetable Stew from Let Them Eat Vegan!  Definitely a success.  IMG_0001I’m not big on soups and stews, but this was really good and not difficult to make.  Just lots of cutting stuff up, which is pretty much par for the course…  I didn’t want to overwhelm the other flavors so I used the minimum amount of peanut butter suggested.  Now I just have to figure out what to do with the extra stalks of lemon grass.  Hard to buy just one stalk!