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Category Archives: Liebster Award

I never thought I’d say “nice” and “chain letter” in the same sentence, but here goes.  I’ve been nominated for a Liebster award by I swim (and now iTri too!) – thanks, Mo! – which seems like the blogger’s take on a chain letter, but a nice chain letter.  If the idea of blogging is to get yourself out there, why not ask questions to learn more about each other and promote those sites that we find interesting?  It’s like saying “Tag, you’re it!  Tell us who you are and why you decided to speak out.”  I’m pretty sure I won’t fulfill all of the requirements (let’s say “suggestions”), but blogging is kind of a free-for-all so I can do whatever I want.  So there!

liebster-blog-awardLike any award nomination, there are rules.  I’ll state the rules cited by my nominator (and her nominator), because cutting and pasting is a lot easier than thinking and typing:

  1. Add the award icon to your blog
  2. Link to your nominator to say thank you
  3. Each blogger should post 11 facts about themselves 
  4. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you and create 11 questions for your nominations to answer
  5. Choose 11 up-and-coming bloggers with fewer than 200 followers, go to their blog, and tell them about the award.

Wow, that makes for a LONG blog entry.  Forgive me, but I’m going to post fewer than 11 facts about me, and might cheat in other ways, too.

  1. I turned 49 in December, but will be racing as a 50 yr old this coming tri season (wonder if it will help)
  2. I quit swimming competitively at 15 and took about 10 years off – 18 years before competing again.
  3. I considered being a mental health therapist, but couldn’t sit still w/o falling asleep, so I became a massage therapist instead – much more active!
  4. I lived in at least 10 different places in the SF Bay Area in the 10 years I was there (’84-’94)
  5. I’m the youngest of 4, so I’ll always be the baby
  6. My commuter bike was stolen from my office and I found it a month later, locked to a pole, a block from my house
  7. My husband and I recently decided not to replace our 2nd car so we’re sharing one.  We’ll see how that goes…
  8. I’ve had a few motorcycles, but my bicycles always got more use, so I no longer ride (obviously wasn’t much of a motorcycle rider anyway!).

Mo’s questions for me:

  1. Why do you blog? I hadn’t planned on it, but my husband signed up for a wordpress class so I joined him.
  2. What sport(s) did you do as a child? swimming, gymnastics (I was terrible), more swimming, field hockey
  3. What’s your favourite colour and why? It was always blue, but I’ve branched out into purple.  There’s no “why” to it!  It’s a visceral reaction.
  4. In a world with no technology, what would you do for a living? I could probably keep doing what I’m doing!
  5. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?  Flying.  It just seems so cool
  6. What motivates you?  food, and too much food!  And friends
  7. Chocolate or cheese?  Chocolate more than cheese these days.  Cutting down on cheese consumption
  8. Do you always shower before swimming?  No, not if I can get away with it
  9. What did you want for Christmas that you didn’t get? World Peace?
  10. What are your plans for 2013? Winter escape at the end of Jan., do a couple swim races, tris, and a bike vacation in Croatia (in September)
  11. Would you ever shave your head for charity? Sure, in summer, and if the charity actually got anything for it!

11 Questions for whoever wants to answer them, since I don’t know 11 bloggers w/fewer than 200 followers except the ones that have already been nominated.  Anyone can answer!  I’ll tag some blogs that I think have fewer than 200 followers.  I can’t always find the number of followers on blogs, though.  Sorry if you’ve done this already.

  1. What food/snack/drink do you find hardest to resist?
  2. Who is your favorite author?
  3. What is your most vivid childhood memory?
  4. Would you rather be hot or cold?
  5. If you were to do a tri relay, which leg would you do?
  6. What’s one goal you hope to achieve in 2013?
  7. Do you walk around while brushing your teeth?
  8. Dogs or cats?
  9. What household chore do you dislike the most?
  10. What’s your idea of a perfect day, that you can realistically have (but maybe not every day)?
  11. How often can you make your perfect day happen?



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